
Meal Prep for Busy Professionals: Time-Saving Strategies

Meal Prep for Busy Professionals: Time-Saving S...

If you feel like there's not enough time in your day to focus on eating a healthy dinner, you're one of 45% of Americans who are too busy to cook. The good...

Meal Prep for Busy Professionals: Time-Saving S...

If you feel like there's not enough time in your day to focus on eating a healthy dinner, you're one of 45% of Americans who are too busy to cook. The good...

Image of fruity beverage to convey intuitive drinking

The Role of Beverages in Intuitive Eating

Are you struggling with healthy meal choices, calorie counting, and restricting your favorite foods? Instead of focusing on what you can’t do with your daily diet, you can make the...

The Role of Beverages in Intuitive Eating

Are you struggling with healthy meal choices, calorie counting, and restricting your favorite foods? Instead of focusing on what you can’t do with your daily diet, you can make the...

Healthy Mocktails: Fun and Refreshing Drinks to Enjoy Guilt-Free

Healthy Mocktails: Fun and Refreshing Drinks to...

If you enjoy a tasty adult beverage once in a while, it could derail your healthy eating or diet journey. Studies show that alcohol can cause weight gain by stopping...

Healthy Mocktails: Fun and Refreshing Drinks to...

If you enjoy a tasty adult beverage once in a while, it could derail your healthy eating or diet journey. Studies show that alcohol can cause weight gain by stopping...

bacon burger bowl - healthy BBQ - fittrax

The Balanced BBQ: A Guide to Healthy Eating at ...

It's that time of year again. Family and friends are gathering for BBQs and cookouts complete with fatty meats, delicious sides, and indulgent desserts. But it is possible to eat...

The Balanced BBQ: A Guide to Healthy Eating at ...

It's that time of year again. Family and friends are gathering for BBQs and cookouts complete with fatty meats, delicious sides, and indulgent desserts. But it is possible to eat...

Beat the Heat: Hydration-Focused Meal Prep for Summer

Beat the Heat: Hydration-Focused Meal Prep for ...

Dehydration is often overlooked as a serious problem, but studies show that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Dealing with dehydration can lead to fatigue, foggy memory, irritability, and even kidney stones....

Beat the Heat: Hydration-Focused Meal Prep for ...

Dehydration is often overlooked as a serious problem, but studies show that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Dealing with dehydration can lead to fatigue, foggy memory, irritability, and even kidney stones....

Meal Prep for Gut Health: What You Need to Know

Meal Prep for Gut Health: What You Need to Know

Good gut health, energy, and long-term health are all inter-connected when it comes to optimizing your nutrition for success. Your gut is vast and is often called your "second brain." It...

Meal Prep for Gut Health: What You Need to Know

Good gut health, energy, and long-term health are all inter-connected when it comes to optimizing your nutrition for success. Your gut is vast and is often called your "second brain." It...